The Russian Service Centre provides support to help Russian citizens properly fill in the official papers for subsequent submission to the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom in London.
The Russian Service Centre specialists have extensive experience in this field, knowledge of the relevant Russian legislation and, based on an agreement with the Russian Embassy in London, receive regular training and advice.
Our services
Preparation of documents for a Russian passport application
5-year passport
10-year biometric passport
Preparation of documents for registration of Russian citizenship
If both parents or a single parent are citizens of the Russian Federation
If one parent is a foreigner
If one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the other is a stateless person/declared missing without trace/location unknown
For special services
If the applicant has a parent who is a Russian citizen registered in the Russian Federation
Preparation of documents for renunciation of Russian citizenship
Preparation of application for renunciation of citizenship
Assistance in the drafting of documents (in Russian)
Power of attorney
Correction/editing of draft documents
Translation of documents
standard translation (3 working days)
express translation (1 working day)
Translation of other documents (from 3 working days)
Translation certification in the Consulate
standard service (up to two weeks)
express service (1 business day)